Digital Marketing Tribe
Do you want to appear at the top of the search engine results pages, address new target groups via social media, relaunch your website or establish yourself as a brand? Our team of experienced specialists and hungry marketers delivers strategy, conception and creation to sustainably increase your sales.

How we work

We accelerate the development of your business in digital commerce through outstanding brand experiences and relevant added value. To achieve this, we rely on leading technologies, an agile corporate organisation, and innovative methods that place people as users, business partners, and employees at the center of our actions.
In this way, we contribute to shaping a positive future.

We always put our services in relation to their use and try to do more with less. Through imaginative, prudent planning, reuse of what has already been created and proven, and adherence to standards, we conserve budgets, reduce costs, and maximize value for ourselves and our clients.

We continuously improve the way we do business to ensure a sound financial basis for both the company and its employees. The best businesses are those that benefit all stakeholders: Customers, employees, the company, society and the environment. When we have to choose between contracts, we prefer those that know no losers.

We are aware that our customers are the driving force and foundation of our company. We start with our customers' requirements and align our organization, methods and values with them. We prefer sustainable solutions to short-term effects.

Blackbit team members show how they behave, perform tasks and do their job. A good team member is characterized by excellent behavior and must be able to motivate and encourage people. This is especially true for Blackbit's management, Tribe Leads and Tribe Masters. They must help their employees understand the value of the Blackbit vision and show them how everyone in their role can work with others to achieve our goal.

We welcome diversity and harness its power. When everyone has the same background and experience, it means there is limited knowledge. However, drawing from a diverse spectrum, we can approach challenges in a different way and find new solutions. A diverse team fosters innovation and new ideas, which in turn increases our chances of success. We see our diversity as a key to company successes such as profit and growth.

When it comes to quality, we do not compromise. Our services and solutions are indisputable. We think big and try to see the whole picture without losing sight of the details. This allows us to identify important influencing factors in advance and deliver results of the right quality and on time. Even when we face setbacks, we rise to challenges and never give up.

Communication, understanding, trust, partnership - in a turbulent, volatile world, with constantly and unpredictably changing framework conditions, we rely on customer relationships based on partnership. This is how we realize success for our customers and for Blackbit. Partnership is built on trust. Trust is based on understanding. The beginning is direct and honest communication with each other and with our customers.

We value the individual commitment of our employees as much as the cooperation within the team. We respectfully question decisions with which we disagree, even if this is unpleasant or strenuous. We fight for the best solution and are not afraid to take a critical view. We seek different perspectives and never stop putting our convictions to the test.

We know that we are not perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, but we learn from mistakes. They show us possibilities for improvement if we stand by them and are not afraid to take responsibility. We communicate fears and mistakes to the team and our customers as early as possible. Because the sooner we recognize and correct errors, the smaller the damage. As a team, we can quickly find solutions to problems before they spread further.

For Blackbit, agility means being flexible, adaptable and ready for change. Change carries many risks, just like insisting on proven solutions despite rapidly changing conditions. We therefore assess the risk and take small, revocable steps, analyzing and evaluating the results. Only then do we decide whether to move further in that direction. In this way, decisions and actions are revocable and do not need to be studied extensively in advance. We value calculated risk-taking.

As we are constantly evolving as a company, we are interested in the professional and personal development of our employees and in creating favorable conditions for the development of their potential. We like to hire new team members from whom we can learn and who will improve our knowledge and implementation skills.

We always put our services in relation to their use and try to do more with less. Through imaginative, prudent planning, reuse of what has already been created and proven, and adherence to standards, we conserve budgets, reduce costs, and maximize value for ourselves and our clients.

We continuously improve the way we do business to ensure a sound financial basis for both the company and its employees. The best businesses are those that benefit all stakeholders: Customers, employees, the company, society and the environment. When we have to choose between contracts, we prefer those that know no losers.

We are aware that our customers are the driving force and foundation of our company. We start with our customers' requirements and align our organization, methods and values with them. We prefer sustainable solutions to short-term effects.

Blackbit team members show how they behave, perform tasks and do their job. A good team member is characterized by excellent behavior and must be able to motivate and encourage people. This is especially true for Blackbit's management, Tribe Leads and Tribe Masters. They must help their employees understand the value of the Blackbit vision and show them how everyone in their role can work with others to achieve our goal.